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Elisa Cavasin

Employment consultants

In 2009 I obtained the professional qualification to practice as labor consultant and the related professional registration after having done my apprenticeship within the RQR & Partners Firm.

I mainly deal with:

  • Support to companies for staff management;
  • Processing payslips;
  • Compulsory communications for employment relationships;
  • Management of employment relationship and agreements;
  • INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) self-assessment;
  • CU (Only Certification) Fulfillment and electronic transmission;
  • Compilation and electronic transmission of 770 mod.;
  • Support during extraordinary procedures;
  • Managing social safety nets (unemployment benefits, job security agreements, etc.);
  • Union agreements;
  • Second tier of collective bargaining negotiations.

As I have done my apprenticeship within the RQR & Partners with which I’m still collaborating I fully embrace its values, always placing the client at the centre of my activities. The attention to details, discretion, understanding, swiftness and a propositive attitude are the daily levers which characterize my work and the mission of RQR & Partners.

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